Whiskey and The Surfer is Alternative Reality Programming. The show is hosted by DJ Phantom, JLJ, Wes Key and Fliip Riivers with contributions from Writer's Strike Johnny Carson and Mondo and Carnito who do Weather and Traffic on the Sixes.
Using the tattered remnants of the First Amendment and a rigged Time Portal hidden 17 levels below the Denver Airport, 2 AM Morning Guys, Wes Key and Fliip Riivers (Whiskey and The Surfer) rock rage in the year 2065 using science, the occult, weird news, agorithms and the sweet riffs of metal, thrash, hardcore and 80s Pop to save America and Her Freedom and Liberties 1 sick hot ass riff at a time.
It is the day before Thanksgiving and we are calling it a week only to return Monday. The Mainstream Media will let you know that your family dinner is a place for war, division, arguing and strife as the move to dismantle the family unit and replace it with a Safe Space Inner Metropolis Tribalist unit where a Village will raise the same child it sacrifices to Baal to rain down sweet MEMES to keep the huddled masses huddled en masse, blindfolded by the Flag which once stood for freedom, now handpainted like a Going Out of Business Sale that is the Waterbeds and Stuff Store Model this country is fast becoming.
Arm yourself with a Shiv, a Bible, The Koran, a DAPL Job Application, grandma's recipes, a copy of Mein Kampf to keep Uncle Carmine busy, Ayn Rand for the kids table, plus Crayons and Glitter for the Bernie Bros losing their kids college funds on, "NO kids for us Bro!, The Future is Important."
None of this is Real
We Live in a Computer and only the SICK ASS MOSH FROM DJ PHANTOM as she drops and goes HARD with The Godfather's AGNOSTIC FRONT and the Almighty SICK OF IT ALL, she drops in some WEEKEND NACHOS, BENCHPRESS, EMPIRE OF RATS and GOD FORBID covers MERAUDER like a BOSS, plus some Y&T because we gotta throw the Bay Area some love as we chew on edibles and search The Tri-Valley for sweet Yams, Hard Mosh and an open Starbucks.
http://www.johntole.com/blog Use the Amazon Link
http://www.whiskeyandthesurfer.com use the email sign up
whiskeyandthesurfer@yahoo.com for Music, Topic Requests, Suggestions and general messages of GFY.
http://www.whiskeyandthesurfer.com use the email sign up
whiskeyandthesurfer@yahoo.com for Music, Topic Requests, Suggestions and general messages of GFY.
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