Monday, October 10, 2016

Grab Her By The Leg Irons - Whiskey and The Surfer

If you can look as fake entertained as believable as Kevin Hart's audience member face you have figured out life, the matrix and go ahead, grab a dew, grab some dew, do the dew thats doing The Countdown to oblivion which are the War drums over Syria. That being said, the CIA has a computer that will be put them out of business, so they're in a super hurry to use it.  DJ Phantom rages with RKL, debuts from Slayer's Haunting the Chapel, where are you nerdarios at on some ONSLAUGHT, plus we get some Boston love, we dump a double shot of Death mid riff, drop a deuce on the Stray Cats and SACRED REICH provides us with Violent Solutions, it does seem like I'm just typing the next word that comes into my head, did you know Apes can read minds? We have the documents, the Lockuments, our College and Pro Slate when 7-5 as we continue to roll hard at its WHISKEY AND THE SURFER Episode 164 GRAB HER BY THE LEG IRONS. The GOAT, Tom Brady is back, so everyone can suck the balls of Pat's Nation.

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